La dona de la seva vida (The woman of his life)

Every family has its silences. Every country, too.

Columna, 2021

After the successes of Algú com tu and Nosaltres dos, Xavier Bosch returns with a perfect combination of emotions and intrigue.

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«Xavier Bosch’s characters stay with you for a long time, after you finish reading them.»
Ester Pujol


Joel, Raimon and Victoria are the Estrada brothers. Despite the fact that each one of them lives in a corner of the world, they remain very united. A journalistic investigation, however, puts everything at risk. Joel, a documentary director, will soon realize that there are discoveries that shake feelings, shake life and force him to rewrite the past.

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La dona de la seva vida translations


La mujer de su vida

Ediciones Destino, 2021

«Bosch juga a la lliga de Douglas Kennedy, David Nicholls o Joel Dicker.»

Ester Pujol